Mario Soldati, 1954
loc donna del fiume

This film, that finally consolidated Sofia Loren, for the first time in a dramatic role, is a melodrama turning on Nives, the female character that only seems to match the stereotypical women of that time but who in fact was very resolute and brave. The project involved Moravia and Flaiano, both story authors, Bassani, Franchina and Pasolini, scriptwriters, and Florestano Vancini, as Director’s assistant, (whose documentary films “Uomini della palude” and “Tre canne un soldo” inspired the film setting).
Nives (Sofia Loren) works with other women on eel marinade in the Comacchio valleys. During a party a fight starts: Gino (Rik Battaglia), a smuggler, takes advantage of the situation and succeeds in dragging the scared woman away and finally seduces her after months of courtship.
Nives becomes Gino’s lover but he does not want a stable relationship and even if she is pregnant he runs away. Nives, takes her revenge and makes him be arrested. After two years Nives has a son and does her best to make him grow safe and sound, away from gossip. That is why she left Comacchio and cuts canes on in the Po delta. In the meantime Gino escapes from prison and wants to take his revenge on the woman. He finds her watching after her dead son and, moved, he gives himself up to the Police and asks Nives to wait for him.

LOCATION The film was entirely shot in the Valli di Comacchio and in the area of Lido di Volano.
Nives works at the premises of the former Valli di Comacchio factory – currently Manifattura dei Marinati – The sequences shot in the area where the eels were marinated are very famous. The party sequence was shot in open area close to the beach of Lido di Volano.
Nives’ house still exists today and is visible in Taglio della Falce.