Aglauco Casadio, 1958

This film was the directing debut of Casadio, but most of all of the author and scriptwriter Tonino Guerra, who was invited by the director to work with Elio Petri and Ennio Flaiano, after reading some of his poems written in the dialect of Romagna.
The film, a poetic and picaresque fairy tale, is set in a small village in the delta area, isolated between marshes and swamps, where every year takes place a trade show takes regularly joined by Severino (Marcello Mastroianni), a creative street vendor. During the trade show Severino succeeds in selling to a group of retired friends a hectare of sky where they will be able to rest in peace after death. The old men swallow the bait and decide to commit suicide – but fail – in order to reach the piece of sky they just bought.

LOCATION The film was entirely shot between Lido di Volano, Codigoro and the Oasi di Cannevié