The Po Delta as Pupi Avati’s film setting
The Po Delta seen through the eyes of the director Pupi Avati, which found here the ideal set for films like Festa di Laurea and La casa dalle finestre che ridono.
In 1976 Pupi Avati decides to shift from comedies to horror movies and sets in the Po Delta area his movie La casa dalle finestre che ridono; “it is an old local legend – said the director – one of those stories I heard thousands of times, when children were scared and listened to their grandmothers’ tales in dismay”.
The streets of Comacchio then turned blood red and staged the crimes perpetrated in the movie. The lagoon town can be acknowledged through the Loggiato dei Cappuccini (corso Mazzini) as well as through some streets of the city centre and in particular via E. Fogli: at number 7 it is possible to recognize the facade of the “Albergo Italia” where the protagonist Stefano (Lino Capolicchio) stays. A further down along the same street Stefano sees his friend Antonio (Giulio Pizzirani) tragically fall from a window.
TAPPA 2_Villa Boccaccini alla Collinara – San Giuseppe, frazione di Comacchio [LA CASA DALLE FINESTRE CHE RIDONO]
The art nouveau villa where the Legnani sisters live and where Stefano also stays is Villa Boccaccini alla Collinara, located in San Giuseppe, a hamlet not far from Comacchio. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century from a farmhouse of the eighteenth century and can still be visited today.
TAPPA 3_Strada panoramica Acciaioli [FESTA DI LAUREA]
In 1985 Pupi Avati, who was intrigued by the Po landscape, decides to go back to the area where he had set La casa dalle finestre che ridono, Le strelle nel fosso and Aiutami a sognare to shoot a sweet-bitter comedy Festa di laurea.
The movie is set in the 50s and unfolds into two parallel levels, enchantment and disenchantment, tenderness and irony, used to tell the delusional love story of Vanni Porelli, humble baker, played by Carlo Delle Piane.
Several sequences were shot in Porto Garibaldi and in the Volano area. The streets travelled by bike by the protagonists in the beginning of the film flank the area called Valle Bertuzzi. In particular, along the via di Lido di Volano, it is still visible today the house where the father and the son go to rent their suits.