Florestano Vancini, 1984
la neve nel bicchiere

Life chronicles of a family of farmers from the lower Po valley from 1898 until 1927: three decades and three generations of people whose miserable life made of poverty, scarce food, disease, fatigue and badly paid jobs, in the beginning is only marked by alternating seasons. Later on it is overwehlmed by several problems of a much broader extent: the first wage claims of day labourers and sharecroppers, the first workers’ associations, both red and white, the Great War – leaving also in this area painful and and deep scars – the first fascist blows with a club.

LOCATION The film was shot in the Argenta area.
The house where the family of farmers starring in the film used to live is at Ca’ Rossa di Vallesanta, close to the Oasi naturale di Campotto. Currently the house is owned by the Consorzio della Bonifica Renana and it is used both for pedagogical and tourist activities. In the village of Boccaleone was rebuilt the old “Due Ponti” hamlet based on the novel by Nerino Rossi that inspired the film.